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Children's TKD


A martial arts curriculum designed by a doctor of physical therapy to ensure your child's proper physical development. In addition to a fast-paced fun workout your child will gain:


*  Improved self-esteem & self-image

* Improved focus & concentration

* Improved fitness, strength, speed & flexibility

* Social skills & anti-bully techniques

* Practical self-defense skills

* Confidence to stand up for themselves & say no to peer pressure

* A "Yes I Can" attitude.


Our program will provide your child with the tools to succeed not only in Tae Kwon Do, but in all aspects of life.

Special Needs

Students of all ages and developmental abilities thrive at Legacy. The "Exceptional Program" at Legacy individually evaluates each student to ensure entry into the optimal program. It might be private lessons at first, but the ultimate goal is to mainstream into our regular classes. Legacy staff is well trained and certified to work with all diagnoses. We work with students diagnosed with Autism, ADHD, PDD, Downs Syndrome, CP, dyspraxia and other developmental delays. Our program is designed and modified by Master Ami who holds a doctorate in physical therapy. The use of focus based training and positive reinforcement, along with our personally designed "square method," has had amazing results and is currently being utilized at several martial art schools across the US!!

PeeWee TKD


     PeeWee TKD is a specially designed class for 3, 4 & 5 year olds. It combines beginner martial arts with gross motor development & works on social interactions & preschool/kindergarten prep. From learning jumping and kicking skills, to practicing taking turns and waiting in line, we cover a multitude of age appropriate activities. Class size is extremely limited so each child gets individualized and group attention. Our PeeWee graduates not only succeed in our tae kwon do program, but have also developed the physical skills & coordination to succeed in other sports as well!!

Teen TKD


The teen program at Legacy is very popular. With high school & college students from around northern NJ, it is a very diverse class. Benefits include those listed under the children's program as well as:


* Improved confidence & self-image

* Increased physical fitness level to enhance high school athletic performance 

* Junior Olympic & National team training

* Self-defense/life skills for pre-college students

* Leadership training & instructor opportunities


Did you know that many of the best colleges (ex: Princeton, West Point) have Tae Kwon Do teams!

Family Class

Friday Night is Family Night at Legacy! Legacy is committed to ensuring everybody's health and well-being. For that reason, we developed Family Class!  Every Friday at 5:30, all parents are invited to join their students in class for FREE! Start off the weekend right by not only having a family outing together, but modeling to your child the importance of exercise for everybody. It may sound corny, but:"The Family that Kicks Together Sticks Together!"

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